Contents of the Bench Planning Summary Report

Use this report to view potential successors for specific positions.

Options to Filter Report Results

Select from these options to narrow report results.

Field Description
Select an Employee Click Select Employee and enter a first name, last name, or email address in the Search field, OR select a manager from the Manager field, then click Search to narrow results. Click the add icon to select the employee(s) to include, and click Confirm Selection when done.
Nominated Job Title Select the job for which an employee has been nominated.
Division Select a division of your company to narrow results by division.
Select Manager Click Select Manager and enter a first name, last name, or email address in the Search field, OR select a manager from the Manager field, then click Search to narrow results. Click the add icon to select the manager(s) to include, and click Confirm Selection when done.
Readiness Select the time period that best describes when the employee will be ready to assume the nominated job.
Relocation Preferences Select the employee's preferred location if relocation is required for the new position.
9 Box Placement Select a value that corresponds with an employee's placement on the 9 box grid.

When finished selecting filter options, click Search to run the report.

Contents of the Report

This report shows employees who have been nominated as potential successors for a job. Results display on screen and depend on filters selected. Results include comments made when the employee was nominated, and comments made by the employee regarding his or her availability.


Field Description
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Download as XLS Click this button to save a copy of the report in .XLS (Microsoft Excel) format.
Report Click this button to return to the previous Reports menu screen.